

Is there any limitation after the procedure?

Not at all. Just stay away from saunas for a bit and do not apply deodorant on the day of the treatment.

Hello, I’d like to ask about the possibilities of excessive sweat removal at your clinics. How do you solve this problem?

We provide excessive sweat removal using Injection application at our clinic. Injection links itself to neural endings of sweat glands and by doing so it completely blocks sweat emission in the treated area. Roughly for half a year you’re not going to be bothered neither by sweat, nor antiperspirant stains on your clothes. The treatment can also be repeated. The area of the treatment can be arm pits, palms, feet, loins, groins, forehead, back of the neck and so on.

Uvažuji o abdominoplastice a jako kuřáka mě nejvíc děsí přísný zákaz cigaret. Je pravda, že se nesmí kouřit už před zákrokem?

Ano, je to pravda. Kouření, jak známo stahuje cévy a snižuje tak výrazně prokrvení. Před zákrokem je tak třeba kompletně se cigaretám vyvarovat, a to nejméně po dobu 5 dní. Pokud nechcete ohrozit hojení po operaci, kouření se budete muset vzdát i po zákroku, nejméně jeden týden.

Možná to zní jako detail, ale musím se zeptat: Změní mi operace vzhled mého pupíku?

Dobrý den, rozhodně se nejedná o nepodstatnou otázku. Pupík hraje v celkovém vzhledu břicha velkou roli. Můžeme vás ale uklidnit. Abdominoplastika nezanechá na této části žádné stopy – lepe řečeno, váš pupík, tak jak vypadá, je přesazen na stejné místo pouze na vypnuté kůži.

Hello, I’m interested in the SMAS lifting treatment but can’t seem to find in what kind of anaesthesia is it provided. I’m afraid of pain. Thank you.

Because of its low demanding character, the treatment is not provided in any form of anaesthesia, including the topical one. Very sensitive individuals can feel a little discomfort; most patients however describe the procedure as painless.

Good day. Is it possible to treat some body parts by this procedure as well, or is it solely designed for the face?

Unlike other rival methods using HIFU, SMAS lifting is able to treat face as well as any body part, from the neck and décolleté, through arms, belly and lower back to thighs or calves. No other similar method is capable of that.

Hello, I wonder, is there any recovery time needed after the procedure? I can’t afford to take any days off from my work.

There is no recovery time or any special regime needed after the procedure. The patient can return to their normal everyday routine right after the treatment and they will feel no limitation or discomfort whatsoever, therefore there is definitely no need to take days off from your work.

Because of my occupation, as I need to stand up all day while working, I have a problem with visible veins on my legs. Is it possible to correct them somehow?

Vascular laser by a well renowned American company Candela is the most efficient solution for skin problems of vascular origin. Laser beam causes fast withdrawal of the visible vessels. Those red spider webs will then slowly fade and you’ll be left with porcelain looking complexion.

Hello, I’d like to have spider webs removed from my thighs, it’s quite a big area on my right leg. 28 years old. Is it possible to undergo this procedure in the summer or should I wait until autumn?

It is indeed possible to undergo this procedure in the summer; however, we don’t recommend exposing the treated skin to direct sun for approximately 3 weeks afterwards. That doesn’t mean you cannot go outside, it means no summer vacations by the sea after the treatment. The skin should also be protected by a sun cream with SPF 50. 

I don’t want to undergo a surgery because of the long recovery time afterwards. How is it with your version?

The treatment usually doesn’t last longer than an hour and immediately afterwards you can return to work or to your social life as it doesn’t leave any traces and no recovery time or special arrangements are needed. It is only recommended to skin sauna for a bit and don’t put make up on right after the procedure. The very next day all is back to normal.

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